26 March 2019


Huysburg | Germany

The monastery at Huysburg (pron: Husburg) - the Benedictine Priory of the Assumption - has been a simple priory of the Abbey of St. Matthias at Trier since 2004. The monks of the Abbey of St. Matthias Trier-Huysburg, see also Benedictine spirit, which are both different social and ecclesiastical context. (For more on the understanding of the Benedictine spirit cf. Abbey of St. Matthias in Trier). At present, the community at Huysburg has nine monks.

History and Development of the Monastery
Huysburg Priory is located close to the city of Halberstadt in the diocese of Magdeburg. It occupies the ancient Benedictine Abbey of Huysburg which was in 1080 and survived without any interruptions, until it was dissolved in 1804 as a result of the secularization of all German monastic houses.

The monastery at Huysburg (often referred to as "The Huysburg") was once again and again as Benedictine cella on 14th September 1972. Since this date has been Benedictine Congregation of the Annunciation. This is because the founder, Father Alfred Göbel, came from the Polish abbey of Tyniec which belongs to this Congregation. This was the nearest Benedictine monastery to Father Göbel, who entered the German Democratic Republic.
(GDR) Benedictine women at Alexanderdorf to the south of Berlin.

An essential role in the foundation of the monastery was played by Bishop Johannes Braun, Apostolic Administrator on the then Episcopal Ordinariate of Magdeburg. He had indicated the Huysburg as a suitable location for the monastery. There was a parish church and presbytery, the Huysburg housed from 1952 to 1992, and a branch of the diocesan seminary of the diocese of Paderborn. In particular, Bishop Braun provided financial support for the new monastery from the Episcopal Ordinariate.

Following the beginning of the journey in Poland. GDR is difficult, the Abbots of. Thus, on 8th September, 1984, the monastery of the Congregation. It was clear that the other German-speaking monastery in the Congregation, the Abbey of St. Matthias in Trier, should support the French-speaking. At the beginning of the meeting, Huysburg and acting as advisor.

In spite of the difficult circumstances, the monastery with its small guest house and the GDR, which particularly for the Episcopal Ordinariate of Magdeburg which already 1950s had used pilgrimages to the Huful for the faithful.

After the beginning of 1989, the Huysburg community decided to foster cooperation with the Abbey of St. Matthias. First Abbot of Trier took over the office of Administrator.

Soon, the contact between the two monasteries and the trier. This led to the unification of the Priory at Huysburg with the Abbey in Trier which was confirmed by Erfurt in 1992 and the nursing-home had moved to a new building in the neighbouring village of Dingelstedt in 1998, it was possible, under the leadership of Prior Athanasius Polag, who had been sent by Abbott Ansgar, and the support of the diocese of Magdeburg, to renovate the buildings and campus to suit the needs and tasks of the community.

Life and Service in Huysburg Today
In a social environment in more than 80% of the population is God, it is a place where God is remembered.
Further, we offer the local Church and the center for retreats and renewal, for education and contacts.

Our Presence as a Benedictine Community
This is made concrete in:

• the Divine Office structured in the public (also to non-Christians). In addition, there are other liturgical forms that can lead to basic events in the area of ​​religion and Christian belief.

• welcoming Christian and non-Christian visitors who we have lived and lived in. Learn to live with it. Here, the communication of the cultural and religious background. The Romanesque period plays a special role.

• in the work of the guest-house, which is a small program, a spiritual experience, the introduction of the Bible, Benedictine school of prayer. whose programs we participate. The guesthouse is also available for groups.

• in the service of the parish of St. Benedict and the diocese of Magdeburg. Baptism and Confirmation by Christians in their respective lives. Baptism and Confirmation.
Because of the small number of Christians, ecumenism is particularly important in our region. For years, participation in the annual ecumenical prayers for peace in Halberstadt. Regular meetings with the Protestant communities near Petersberg near Riehenberg near Goslar are a concrete expression of the life of the evangelical counsels.

Our particular closesness to the local Church, i.e. the diocese of Magdeburg, has been marked in the Huysburg up to today. We are responsible for the organization of pilgrimages, in particular the diocesan pilgrimage, which is the form of large gatherings. Several in-service courses for priests, deacons and pastoral assistants organized by the diocese take place at the Huysburg.


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