3 May 2018

Priest Ordination in Biskupów

In the feast of Most Blessed Mary, Queen of Poland (3rd of May 2018), in the local parish Church of Annunciation, brother Michał Dragan has been ordained to the priesthood. The celebration officiated bishop Rudolf Pierskała, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Opole Diocese. Brother Michał was ordained for the deacon on 22nd of August 2017, on the commemoration of the Most Blessed Mary Queen and his deacon practice fulfilled serving in his own cloister. Brother Michał is subprior and president of the foundation "Ordo et Pax" established by the Community at Biskupów as support of the community mission. After the Holy Mass the guests attended traditional agapa accompanied by the performance dedicated to br. Michał and given by his brethren and friends.

As the creed for his priest service br. Michał pointed out the words from the Psalm 34, 5: "Look at Him and you will lighten, your faces will not be ashamed". These words are combined with the most known in Poland picture of Mother of God Holy Mary. i.e. so called Black Madonna from Częstochowa. On this picture in type of hodegetria, She indicates with her hand on Jesus Child enthroning at her heart.

Michał Dragan OSB

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