10 September 2018

The Members of The Council of Abbot President Appointed

During the morning session of General Chapter in Subiaco, in the last day of debate, there were appointed the Members of the Abbot President s Council. The Presidents Council consists of four Assistants. Two of them are appointed by the President, the other two elected by the General Chapter. In addition, the President and the Chapter each designates a substitute Assistant. The Body assists the President in matters foreseen by common law or the Constitutions, and in all important questions concerning the Congregation. In case of urgent necessity it will substitute for the approval of the General Chapter, and each monastery will be informed of decisions reached.

The new members appointed by the President are as follows: Abbot Brendan Coffey (Glenstal), Prior Clement Ettaniyill (Mambré) and additionally Prior Renaud Thon (Wavreumont). The members appointed by the General Chapter: Abbot Bernard Lorent (Maredsous), Prior Peter Eghwrudjakpor (Ewu) and additionally Abbot Damien Toilolo (Valyermo).
On the photo from the left side: Prior Peter, Abbot President Maksymilian, Abbot Berdnard, Abbot Brendan, Abbot Damien, Prior Clement, former President Ansgar, Prior Renaud.

Michał Dragan OSB

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